Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is Homeschooling?
Homeschooling is parent directed education of children at home, instead of sending them to an educational institution. Parents or legal guardians may utilize the assistance of tutors but must remain actively involved in the teaching and learning process.
Is Homeschooling legal in Trinidad & Tobago?
The Constitution of Trinidad & Tobago provides for homeschooling in that it gives the parents the right to provide a school of their own choice for the education of their child or ward:
“It is hereby recognised and declared that in Trinidad & Tobago there have existed and shall continue to exist, without discrimination by reason of race, origin, colour, religion or sex, the following fundamental human rights and freedoms, namely:
(f) the right of a parent or guardian to provide a school of his own choice for the education of his child or ward.”
Do I have to get permission from the Ministry of Education (MOE) to homeschool my child?
Currently there is no requirement to get permission from the MOE to become a homeschooling family. However you need to inform the MOE of your intention.
Do I need to inform the MOE if I choose to homeschool my children?
At present there is no formal Homeschool Policy in place, however the Homeschool Association of Trinidad & Tobago (HATT) strongly advises that every homeschool family does the following:
Choose the curricula/educational philosophy you intend to follow.
Write a letter to the Chief Education Officer at the MOE informing the Ministry of your decision to homeschool and the curricula you intend to use.
If your child is currently enrolled in a school, send a copy of this letter to the Principal.
Please note this is a letter of intent and not a request for permission. You can get a template for this letter from HATT.
Where can I get a curriculum for my child?
Visit our Resources page here to explore different programs.
If I choose to homeschool through Primary School, how do I transition them into Secondary school?
As a parent you have two options:
If you choose to send the child to a private school, contact the school ahead of time and find out what their requirements are. Many of them have their own assessment that you can prepare your child for.
If you would like to send them to a public school, then you need to register them with the MOE to sit the Secondary School Entrance Assessment (SEA). Contact the Ministry in September for information on registration deadlines and exam dates. You will be required to fill out a form, provide the child’s Birth Certificate and two passport sized photographs. You will be sent correspondence the following year informing you of the child’s candidate and center number as well as the physical location of the exam center.
If I choose to homeschool up to Form 5 and I want my child to sit the local exams CAPE & CSEC, how do I proceed?
Any student can be privately signed up to do these exams. The Ministry of Education’s website gives information on the exam dates and registration deadlines.
Do I need any special qualifications to homeschool?
If you have successfully completed Secondary school, you will be able to work through the curriculum options that come with teacher manuals. These come complete with lesson plans, activities, experiments, assessments and answers.
How do I become a member of HATT?
Simply fill out the online membership form available here on our website. You will receive a follow up email guiding you through the process.
What are the benefits of becoming a member of HATT?
HATT provides invaluable support to young homeschooling families as they start on their journey and help navigate the transitions into the high school years. We network families through the provision of recreational and other opportunities for them to get together, and most importantly, they represent the interests of homeschoolers before the MOE.